European Bachelor in Contaminant Detection Technics

European Bachelor in Contaminant Detection Technics

Diplôme européen de droit privé de niveau 6 du Cadre européen des certifications (CEC)

Formation d’un 1 an en alternance

Formation :

Training goals

The European Bachelor's Degree in Contaminant Detection Techniques allows people with a Bac + 2 in laboratory or in environmental measures to specialize and be able to:

Analyze the feasibility of customer and prescriber requests in their regulatory and technical context

-Organize your work and equipment in order to respond to a customer request

-Realize samples in different environments

-Implement analyzes and exploit the results

-Ensure the reliability of analysis results and equipment

Interact with internal and external parts of the laboratory

-Integrate into continuous improvement and research and development initiatives



La formation est conduite en alternance avec au total 13 semaines de formation par an à l’Issat de Redon

The professionalization contract is signed between the work-study student and his apprenticeship master for 1 year and follows the rules of the professionalization contract (working time, remuneration). The search for the host company is taken care of by Issat. The contract must be signed before entering the training center in early September 

1000m² of laboratories serving young people

An experienced and attentive teaching team

Strong partnerships with more than 200 laboratories in the West



Interest in science and research, rigor, precision, autonomy, flexibility ability to work in a team within a laboratory or in external environments to adapt in evolving technical environment


In the fields of the terrestrial and marine environment, the food industry and the laboratory


Senior technician in laboratory, senior technician in pollution analysis, Technician in environmental measurements, Assistant research engineer and hydrobiologist



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